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Recent Posts by Shawn Patrick

10/17/2019 | Shawn Patrick

Is Sustainable Packaging Right for My Distillery?

Sustainability is being embraced by companies around the world. It makes sense since a clean ...

10/1/2019 | Shawn Patrick

OSHA and Distilleries

Safety in distilleries is and should be a primary concern for any owner and manager. Not only is ...

12/24/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Craft Financing

Starting any new business is a daunting task, and hats off to the brave souls that do. Every ...

10/31/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Technical Hooch

So many customers who enjoy the spirits craft distillers create have no idea exactly how much ...

09/12/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Big Data and Hooch

Distilleries succeed by doing research, finding their niche, and focusing on their target market ...

08/16/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Why is Moonshine Called Moonshine?

Everyone at some point in their life, probably several points really, will stop and ask, “Why is ...

07/18/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Distilling in the Past

Distilling in the past was a gamble with life and limb. Even still, distillers actively try to do ...

06/13/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Hooch Branding and Marketing Trends

We all know that it takes more than an excellent product to be successful. Distilleries have to ...

05/14/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Quality Isn't Cheap--But it Can Be Affordable

Craft distillers are small operations. They don’t have acres and acres of vats and rackhouses that ...

05/8/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Themed Distilleries

Themed distilleries are a less common way for distilleries to stand out and increase traffic to ...

05/8/2018 | Shawn Patrick

The Holy Tasting Room Trifecta

Nothing today is just one thing. Your blockbuster film will also have everything from action ...

04/16/2018 | Shawn Patrick

The Art of Whiskey Tasting

Like wine, whiskey has levels of character, taste, and aroma. Whiskey is quickly becoming a ...

04/9/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Hooch App

Before we became OnBatch, we developed a clean, simple to use productivity calculator for ...

03/7/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Packaging Your Spirits

Craft distilleries are born from the dreams of bold individuals who have an idea for a better or ...

01/24/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Benefits of Liquor Trade Shows

One common question going through the minds of people who have never attended a trade show is if ...

01/9/2018 | Shawn Patrick

Simplify Year End Paperwork

In all honesty, the thing that your distillery relies on the most, aside from the actual liquor it ...

11/15/2017 | Shawn Patrick

5 Ways Distillery Software Simplifies Running a Craft Distillery

Running a distillery is hard work. The best distillery software simplifies everyday tasks and works ...

08/17/2017 | Shawn Patrick

The Importance of Packaging

Craft distillers should make a great tasting, interesting product. But the packaging is what is ...

06/14/2017 | Shawn Patrick

5 Habits of Successful Distillery Owners

It takes more than big dreams and good recipes to run a successful distillery. Just because it’s a ...

04/12/2017 | Shawn Patrick

The Three-Tiered System: Challenges for Distilleries

One of the biggest problems for a distillery, or any alcoholic beverage producer, is the three-tier ...

02/22/2017 | Shawn Patrick

Tips for Distillery Managers

There is an inherent level of passion found in people working at all levels of a distillery. Here's ...

02/22/2017 | Shawn Patrick

Want to Start a Craft Distillery? Consider This

Before you dive down the rabbit hole of excitement dreaming up your flavor profiles and tasting ...

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